Our story
In 2020, our family found ourselves unemployed. So we got to work creating, asking our community for help, and hustling.
We started doing odd jobs around the neighborhood, which turned into a thriving business, to provide for our homeschool family of five.
On a family camping trip in October 2020, it was very cold and we decided to save up for an RV. But after looking at some local options, we decided to build one ourselves based on some European designs and inspired by vintage travel wagons.
We started collecting reclaimed materials for our wagon project, and then more and more reclaimed materials started pouring in as people could see that we could flip furniture, and make beautiful things.
Then we started to expand our services to creating farmhouse furniture, shiplap, mobile business units and other handmade items.
Our greatest tool for marketing has been talking about our daily life with our kids through social media, documenting our lives- and showing people how supporting a small business can support our homeschool education.
A challenge you’ve overcome.
Our greatest challenge has been homeschooling my kids full-time while also running businesses full-time (we not only do a home renovations, tiny wagons and flipping furniture, we’ve been running a marketing, Photography and Home studio for 10 years)
Our house is a constant mess as being full-time creators and crafters leaves piles of unfinished projects around the house. Most of our school time is done around life skills, running businesses, doing errands for the family, balancing the books, cleaning furniture and making weekly trips to the dump or going picking around neighborhoods as a family for reclaimed materials.
Sometimes it’s hard to balance all of the things we need to do with the family and the kids and trying to provide for them and run our businesses successfully.
But we know the greatest asset that we can pass to our children is the ability for them to make well thought-out decisions, being creative and thinking critically about how to solve problems in a post Covid world.
Instead of being on screen time during 2020, our kids helped us flip furniture, created side businesses, learned how to use professional graphic design software, work with us hauling wood from the dump and helped us budget supplies for upcoming projects.
We are very open and honest about communication in this family and talking through feelings and mental health. We often do art therapy and make giant murals that we put on our home studio property with the kids.
We do daily exercise time outside at local nature and hiking trails and we do family meetings nightly where we discuss what we learned throughout the day and how we can be transparent with our feelings.
Our education “curriculum” is raw, wild and free.
A positive message to the community.
During this time of building a business during a global pandemic, we saw so many young people asking us to help them build their businesses full-time, counseling them in life skills and giving them the encouragement they needed to do what they love despite of educational requirements and setbacks.
We actually are not doing anything that we went to school for, but we learned everything through hustle, heart and self education.
We have been able to mentor so many people during this time on simple things like running successful social media platforms, showing up on time for projects, being professional, and having confidence in their skill set.
We have been able to mentor young people by just hosting simple fire nights and talking through mental health struggles during the pandemic.
We try to always create environments of community and encouragement with our fellow brothers and sisters during this time.
We hope to someday have an institute where we teach young entrepreneurs how to break cycles of poverty through mindset changes.
You can find out more about what we do here:
Follow us on Instagram, TickTock and Facebook: